CH-CH-CH-CHANGES: Embracing Innovation

Hey babes, you may have noticed (and just might of caught a few hints when reading my post last week) a shift is happening here, and I'm thrilled to spill the beans on the exciting changes taking place in the realm of Stark Raving Chic. With this shift, I am working on evolving from a strict focus on fashion/style to a delightful fusion of fashion and lifestyle. Meaning there will still be some #OOTD style posts here and there, but I’m really embracing some new vibes. Think: lifestyle, local spotlight (either when Adam or the besties and I check out new and old spots we dig around the ‘Burgh and sometimes NOLA, or potentially YOU!), personal development, and some content for foodies to boot! So darlings, let’s dive into why this change is happening and what it means for you:

Why the Shift?

1. A Holistic Approach to Style:

To me, fashion isn't just about the clothes we wear; it's about the lifestyle we lead. By expanding into lifestyle content, I aim to provide a more comprehensive perspective on style – one that encompasses not only what we wear but how we live and express ourselves. After all, I have always said style and beauty are two of my biggest artistic outlets (only second to well, photojournalism/writing!).

2. Meeting Your Diverse Interests & Engaging in Meaningful Conversations:

You, my amazing readers, have diverse interests beyond just fashion. So, this shift allows me to cater to a broader range of topics, from beauty and wellness to travel and home decor, to even personal development and mental health/wellbeing ensuring there's something for everyone in our growing community. Furthermore, lifestyle content opens the door to more meaningful and relatable conversations. So by expanding my content I will also broaden my reader base, which could allow all of us to broaden our community and connection to one another. I'm excited to delve into topics that resonate with you on a deeper level, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.

3. Adapting to Personal Evolution:

Just as fashion trends evolve, so do we. This shift reflects my own personal growth and changing interests in the past a little over 6 years. I want this space to be a genuine reflection of who I am and the lifestyle that I lead, and makes me well,  me!

What to Expect?

1. Style with Substance:

Snapped during Adam and I’s trip to NYFW and he begrudgingly stopped at Shake Shack with me—though ultimately he was happy he gave it a second chance!

While fashion/style will always be a core element of Stark Raving Chic, you can expect a richer,  more colorful, tapestry of content. I'll be weaving in lifestyle topics that complement and enhance our understanding of style, making this space a one-stop destination for all things chic and meaningful.

One of the first little knick-knacks Adam bought us when we first moved in together.

2. Beauty Beyond Wardrobes:

Beauty isn't limited to the makeup and clothes we wear; it extends to how we care for ourselves—even when we might not be feeling our best. So get ready for beauty and wellness content that celebrates the art of self-care and embraces a holistic approach to looking and feeling our best. (I am tying to incorporate some of that six years of schooling into this somehow—especially since it’s partially the reason I was on hiatus!)

3. Wanderlust Chronicles:

Roadtrip snapshot from our time in NYC for Fashion Week.

Travel has always had a way of inspiring fashion, and vice versa. So you can also look forward to joining  me (and most of the time Adam) on exciting journeys as we explore new destinations, uncover hidden gems, and draw inspiration from the diverse cultures that shape the world of style as well as give me personal style inspiration.

Adam (looking good) at Phipps Conservatory

4. Home Sweet Style:

Though Oliver at times is an enigma, I was happy to see he made an appearance for this photo.

I believe your space is  not only an extension of your style, but an extension of your personality. And I do like to admit, my clients have proven my theory right when they walk into my office and say things like “this is just so you. It’s safe, comforting, and warm”. With this being said, expect glimpses into my world of home/office decor, organization tips, and lifestyle hacks that elevate your living and working space while maintaining a chic aesthetic.

Memories, from knick-knacks to photographs.

5. Local Spotlight:

Thank you to Shaolin, of Black Horizon Tattoo, for this awesome little rabbit (I named him Harold Footless!)

I want to shine a spotlight on YOU AGAIN! Much like when I did my 2017-2018 spotlights on other local bloggers, I want to get out more in the community and extend this—though fellow bloggers are also still welcome. So, get ready for features that highlight the incredible individuals, businesses, and awesome places in our community. Your style, stories, and experiences are what make this space vibrant and diverse. And as mentioned earlier, if we’re slow on getting takers/a line up, I’ll also be incorporating some of my own favorite spots with family and friends!

Our Journey Ahead

In making for time for self-care, something I have been trying to do is incorporate coloring and other peaceful activities I enjoy into my daily routine.

In closing, I want to say this shift isn't just about change; it's about growth and evolution. I'm just absolutely thrilled to embark on this journey, exploring the intersection of fashion and lifestyle, and creating a space that celebrates the beauty of both.

Thank you for being part of this incredible metamorphosis. Let's embrace these CH-CH-CH-CHANGES together and make this fashion and lifestyle journey a vibrant and inspiring one!

What changes have you gone through in the past few years? Let’s chat about it in the comments below!

Xx, Bree

Hi, hello, I’m BACK! (Feat. Finding Balance: Why I Took a Break from Blogging)

Hey there, it’s been a while, hasn't it? What, 2018? That’s the last time I posted minus my little teaser a little over a week ago?! $#@%! It didn’t seem that long. You might be wondering why I went MIA for quite a bit. Was it personal reasons? Was it the pandemic? Well, let me pull back the curtain and share why I decided to take a break from blogging.

The TL;DR version of this answer is I am well and happy, I had a bit of a career shift since 2018, and then the pandemic happened in 2020 which is when I initially anticipated relaunching following my second degree. But spoiler alert: I earned my third degree (my masters in professional counseling) during the pandemic, passed my NCE exam over a year ago and am currently working as a clinical therapist and LPC. I also plan to begin working on getting my MSN and possibly DNP in the future—however considering I also got engaged in the midst of all this and am currently planning a wedding, my academic endeavors are on a slight pause; but focusing on the now, outside of that, still the same old Bree!

And, regarding the blog, it will be undergoing some changes, but I plan on continuing to post because I’ve greatly missed this part of my life (to get a bigger scoop on the ch-ch-cha-changes, stay tuned in the next ten days!). So, for y’all who’ve been wanting my life update and what I’ve been up to for the last (almost) six years, here’s the scoop:

1. Prioritizing Mental Health:

Life can get hectic, and so did mine. Juggling work, grad school, personal life, and blogging can take a toll. I realized I needed to prioritize my mental health and step back to recharge. It's essential to acknowledge when the creative well needs a refill.

2. Quality Over Quantity:

In the pursuit of consistency, I found myself prioritizing quantity over quality. I decided to take a pause to refocus on creating content that truly resonates with me and, hopefully, with you all too. Quality always trumps quantity, and I want each post to bring genuine value, and not feel like forced labor to keep up with sponsorships and sometimes perceived competition. Because all in all, I’m doing this for me, it’s my creative outlet and I feel I should enjoy creating content as much as my audience enjoys consuming it!

3. Embracing Change:

Change is inevitable, and sometimes, it's crucial for growth. I took this break to reflect on where I want my blog to go and to embrace the changes happening in my own life. It's okay to evolve, and my blog should reflect that evolution too.

4. Personal Growth Journey:

Life is a journey of continuous growth. I wanted to dedicate time to personal development, learning new skills, and gaining fresh perspectives. This break allowed me to invest in myself, ultimately enhancing the content I create for my wonderful readers (psssst I’m talking about y’all!).

5. Avoiding Burnout:

Blogging can be demanding, and burnout is a real concern (especially as my main profession, a clinical therapist, has a high burn out rate too). To prevent reaching that point of exhaustion here and in my full time gig, I decided to step back temporarily. Taking a break is not a sign of weakness but rather a proactive measure to ensure I can continue to deliver my best in all aspects of my work, on and off the blog.

6. Reconnecting with Passion:

Blogging should always be a passion project, not a chore. I took this break to reconnect with the initial spark that inspired me to start this journey. Rekindling that passion ensures that every post comes from a place of genuine enthusiasm, because that’s what myself and my readers deserve.

7. Balancing Responsibilities:

Life's responsibilities can pile up, and it's crucial to find the right balance. My hiatus allowed me to reassess and reprioritize, ensuring that I can manage my blogging commitments while also fulfilling all other aspects of life. Again, I want this to be something I enjoy and share with others as a means of connection—not something I force myself to do.

8. Quality Me-Time:

Self-care is not just a buzzword; it's a necessity, and I learned this all too well during my time in grad school during the COVID-19 pandemic. I took a step back to indulge in some quality me-time, enjoying activities that I'm passionate about outside the blogging sphere. A rejuvenated blogger means better content for you!

9. Setting Boundaries:

Blogging often blurs the lines between work and personal life. Taking a break helped me set clearer boundaries, ensuring that when I'm working on my blog, I'm fully present and passionate about the content I'm creating, opposed to feeling like “I have too” it’s an “I want too”. Like any labor of love should be. This also has helped me set boundaries for when I’m not working on the blog as well, my personal time shouldn’t be consumed by worrying about sponsorships and deadlines—just like in my clinical work, I need to leave my blog work on the blog and enjoy my experiences outside of it. I have found this makes for a much more harmonious work/life balance.

10. Coming Back Stronger:

Sometimes, you need to take a step back to leap forward. I assure you, this break was not in vain. I've spent this time brainstorming, planning, traveling (*cough, cough* there will be a post very soon about my excursion to New York Fashion Week with my wonderful ghoulmate Adam) and creating content that I can't wait to share with all of you! So get ready for some exciting new posts coming your way!

I appreciate your understanding and continuous support during this hiatus. Let's dive back into this blogging journey together with renewed energy and passion!

And as always, I’d love to chat and catch up! So please feel free to tell me about anything and everything you’ve been doing to rejuvenate and care for yourself in the comments section down below!

P.S. All my socials are still the same, but just in case you forgot you can follow me on Instagram (and connect with me on Threads!), Pinterest, BlogLovin, Twitter (oops I mean “X”, major eye-roll), you can also like/follow me on Facebook and connect with me on LinkedIn!

P.P.S. Also, though my shop is currently under construction, you can still connect with me via (now LTK for short!) and then you’ll be able to shop my closet again once I get some new style posts uploaded.

Xx, Bree

Terra McBride: Love Nothing More

As many of my longtime readers know, ever since I started my blog I try and squeeze in a few interviews with my fellow bloggers and creatives each year. Well, this year, I am trying something a little different and am trying to have a new face on here each month! I have decided to do this because I feel it is incredibly important to stay connected in the community and feel that it is a great way to meet other bloggers and artists, as well as provide my readers with some new content to check out!

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

This month, my first interview of 2018, I'm thrilled that I had the opportunity to interview a fellow blogger and Pittsburgher, Terra McBride. For those of you who do know know Terra, she is the face behind the fashion and lifestyle blog, Love Nothing More, and she is honestly one of my personal favorite bloggers. For one, her writing style is open, relaxed and incredibly welcoming, and of course like any fashion blogger, she has killer style. But that's enough of me talking about her, so let's get to the interview and you can see all of these things for yourself!

Terra McBride: Love Nothing More

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Bree Fesh: When did you first develop a love of style and an interest in the fashion world?

Terra McBride: Fashion has been a huge interest of mine since I was quite young. I would spend countless hours pouring over my Sassy and YM magazines, trying to figure out how to copy the fashions and hairstyles on display. I distinctly remember watching every episode of MTV’s House of Style with Cindy Crawford and Fashion Television on VH1 with Jeanne Beker. That’s how I first discovered André Leon Talley, as a matter of fact. He was often interviewed for Fashion TV after shows.   

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

I started sewing when I was six years old. But I never considered fashion as a career path. I’ve never thought of myself as very creative and when I was younger, I thought I’d grow up to be a psychologist. So I kept fashion at arms length. Until a friend shared a style blog with me. The blogger was based in NYC. I searched for something similar in Pittsburgh. There wasn’t anything like that at the time, so I decided someone needed to show off our beautiful city and feature the boutiques we had available. And my first blog was born!

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

BF: When did you first start your blog, Love Nothing More, and what made you decide to start it?

TM: I’ve been blogging since 2009. But I took a hiatus between 2013-2015 when I changed jobs and I was asked to quit. To be honest, I was burned out. With my old blog, I carried my camera with me and took my own pictures with a tripod and a remote every single day. After I had my daughter, I just wasn’t loving it anymore. The break was a great opportunity to reset my priorities and figure out exactly how I wanted to approach things the second time around.  

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

I started Love Nothing More in December 2015 because I missed the community and the outlet. It’s so exciting to see how fashion and personal style blogging has changed. Hopefully my voice adds a unique perspective to the conversations happening!

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

BF: You mention in your "About Section" that you moved to Pittsburgh, at first just as a pit stop, back in 2006. So I'm curious, where are you originally from, where were you initially headed, and what made you decide to stay here in the 'Burgh?

TM: My hometown isn’t so far from Pittsburgh. I’m originally from Meadville, PA, straight up I-79 and just south of Erie. I always felt like a big city girl stuck in a small town though, so I knew I’d leave at some point. And I did. I lived in Washington D.C. for a couple years working for the Pennsylvania governor as part of the lobbying office down there. Eventually, I moved back to Meadville for graduate school. I always told myself that move back would be temporary. So my intent was to head back to D.C. after grad school to be with my friends there, but I bumped into an old high school classmate who stole my heart.

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

His company had plans to open an office in the Pittsburgh region and they wanted him to spearhead that initiative. I figured Pittsburgh was a step in the right direction. So when the time was right, I started searching for jobs. I landed at the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership and, because my work was deeply involved with the rejuvenation of downtown, I convinced CJ to get an apartment in Downtown Pittsburgh. We were entrenched in the city experience from the beginning. We took full advantage of our central access to everything Pittsburgh had to offer. We could feel that something special was happening here. When our friends from Chicago and Philly would visit, their reactions were always shock, because they thought Pittsburgh was dirty and boring. But it was quite the opposite. It didn’t take long for me to get over myself and recognize that Pittsburgh suited us quite well. It was just big enough and just far enough from my hometown to satisfy my need for city life. And it was just small enough and close enough that we could stay connected to family and build an amazing life for ourselves. Eventually, CJ asked me to marry him on the rooftop deck of our apartment building with the city rising up on one side and the river flowing on the other. Saying yes to him and Pittsburgh are my two best life decisions!

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

BF: Also in your about section, you mention if we were to meet in a pub, one thing you would want to talk about is the best vegan meal each of us have ever had. So, I'm curious, are you vegan? And if so, what is one of your favorite dishes, because about the only vegan thing I can make is a salad!

TM: The best way to describe my choice is that since 2009, I’ve followed a strict, vegan-inspired diet. I still wear silk, wool and leather though. I have a few favorite vegan dishes but two of my go-tos are Oh She Glow’s Mushroom Risotto with Caramelized Onions and Protein Power Goddess Bowl. Both are hearty and flavorful, which makes them incredibly satisfying. Plus anytime I hear the word caramelized or goddess, I tend to get on board.  

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

BF: Though your blog's focus is primarily on fashion, it also covers topics ranging from health and lifestyle as well. This being said, what is your favorite topic (or favorite topics) to write about?

TM: This is a difficult question to answer because it really depends on my mood and what I’m experiencing in my life at the time. I guess my favorite thing to write about is my honest life. What am I wearing? What is life with my daughter like? How am I trying to be my best self? How am I succeeding? How am I failing? I hope that what I write resonates with people but in the end, all that matters is I put my real self out there.

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

BF: I love that you have a list of some of your favorite blogs on your page, it’s quite refreshing to see bloggers support one another with how competitive our field can sometimes be. So, in your opinion, why do you feel it is important for bloggers to build one another up within the community?

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

TM: Well, that’s how things were when the fashion blogger community started. When you made the decision to blog, you did it because you wanted an outlet for your thoughts, a place to be creative and to meet like-minded people. Not because you wanted to be a professional blogger. Having a blogroll was a way to say, “I enjoy how these people present their perspectives and I think you should know them.”

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

We need to lift each other up for lots of reasons, not the least of which is because it’s the right thing to do. I believe it’s important to embrace the full spectrum of perspectives on fashion, culture and style. It enriches our broader community. And you know what? There are lots of points of view that I appreciate even though they’re not my own. I think it’s rather arrogant to believe I could offer everything my readers could ever want on my blog. Sharing other blogs means I get to serve up a richer experience for my own little Love Nothing More community! Plus, I love the idea of amplifying the voices of other people.

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

BF: With the last question in mind, do you have any advice for bloggers that are just starting out? If so, what is it?

TM: My advice has always been the same: BE YOURSELF. Authenticity has been and always will be the secret to long-term success. If you wouldn’t enjoy something as a reader, then don’t do it to yours. Don’t work with brands that you wouldn’t use your own dollars to support. And don’t be afraid to say no when something isn’t a good fit.

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

BF: Considering you run a style blog, you obviously have killer fashion sense (and I admittedly stalk your Instagram and get a slight case of wardrobe envy every time), so who are some of your biggest style inspirations?

TM: You flatter me! Thank you :)

My answer to this question seems to morph daily. I’m such a Gemini. Ok, soooo… my biggest style inspirations right now include but are not limited to Michelle Williams (that hair!), Jacey Duprie, Geri Hirsch, Nicole Richie, Blaire Eadie and Krystal Bick.

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

BF:  From reading your blog, I noticed that you also love Stranger Things, being a huge fan of the show myself, I just have to ask, who is your favorite character?! (Mine is Hopper!)

TM: Best question ever. Yeah, I love Hopper! And before I rewatched the entire series I probably would have agreed with you. But when I went back to the beginning, knowing where Joyce Byers ends up, her character arc is the one I appreciate the most. On the surface she seems like a quivering, helpless mom. But she was fighting, alone, to keep people focused on what she knew to be true. She always believed her son was alive. When she told Hopper kids bullied him and called him gay, Hopper says, “Is he?” And her response without pause is, “HE’S MISSING.” She never gave up on him. She hovers over him in Season 2 but come on! Of course she does. She kept communication with Will open and got him to explain what he was seeing so that she could help him. I see myself in Joyce as a mom and as a strong woman. JOYCE BYERS 2020!

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

BF: Recently, you wrote a guide on how to shop for luxury items at discounted prices online, which was super helpful by the way, and I urge those reading this to check it out here. So, if you have one, what is your favorite luxury steal that you're styling right now? (Personally, I'm super envious of the Helmut Lang blazer.)

TM: Oh, thank you so much! That blazer just won’t quit. It’s got to be my most valuable piece in my closet, especially when you consider price per wear. Second to that is probably my red Céline sunglasses that I snagged from eBay. They always make me feel sophisticated, even in jeans and a t-shirt.  

Photograph by Wellesley & King

Photograph by Wellesley & King

BF: Last but not least, since I know you're a music lover, what are the top five bands you think everyone should give a listen to right now?

TM: AWESOME question!

My Top Five Bands RN…

  1. Post Animal - Since we’re talking about Stranger Things, Joe Keery (Steve) used to be in this band. He had to quit because he couldn’t dedicate the time to touring. Boo. Start with “When I Get Home.”

  2. Faces On Film - Start with “Daytime Nowhere”

  3. Night Moves - Start with “Only To Live In Your Memories” and move on to “Carl Sagan”

  4. Cool Ghouls - Start with “The Mile”

  5. Natural Child - Start with “DTV”

What do you think of Terra's advice, and which look of her's here is your favorite? Let's chat about it in the comments below or you can tweet me at @StarkRavingChic!

Can't get enough of Terra's style? Be sure to subscribe to her blog Love Nothing More and follow her on Instagram at @spicymeatball! Later, babes.

Xx, Bree