Early New Beginnings: A Prelude

Now that spring has sprung for the sixth time since my hiatus, I’ve been feeling rejuvenated and this recent reinvigoration has made me reflect on what I want in life as well as what I want for this blog. It has also reminded me of how much I have missed this incredibly special piece of my life, I suppose absence really does make the heart grow fonder. And if you’ve been keeping up with me on Instagram, you know I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration the last few years that has re-sparked the flame I have for blogging and I have been preparing a lot of new content,  have had a ton of experiences, and have grown/evolved significantly along the way.

With this being said, when I look back on my existence, I don’t want to debase my experiences to a mere meticulously executed Instagram feed, worrying about deadlines for sponsored posts, or “OOTDs” on this blog, for this blog I want authenticity.

I hope I can recall all of the times I spent walking through poorly lit alleyways to get to Liberty Avenue to meet friends at 941 Saloon, inhaling mold in dusty antique/bookshops, getting incredibly too drunk at the dive bars in Lawrenceville with my best friend, and getting pelted with fat raindrops in the city streets seemingly every time (at least for the first 6 months) my fiancé and I went on a date.

Don’t let me forget the grown out black bangs tangled in my long wispy eyelashes which never fail to cause me to have to change my contact lenses after removing my motorcycle helmet, or that eerie incandescent glow and spooky flickering of the lights at the 6th street parking garage after 8PM in December. Remind me of the unexpectedly vibrant conversations and kind words had with strangers at bus stops and crosswalks, as well as the elongated shadows of my loved ones as we trek across scorching, black pavement on the 10th street bridge on our walks to SouthSide in the sticky, muggy heat that Pittsburgh’s summers never fail to bring.

I cried, I laughed, I loved. I lived through that grit and blossomed in its chaos wearing well loved band t-shirts, skinny jeans, and on most occasions from spring throughout fall, a motorcycle helmet. And  what I learned is delightfulness  is nourished by unexpected developments.

I’ve grown  and evolved so much since my last post in 2018, and am excited to take this blog in a new direction, but with a little of the same flare. It’s good to be back, and I can’t wait to see what this journey unfolds with you.

Stay tuned for my official welcome back post on April 10, 2024.

Xx, Bree